Evo Commerce is not your usual
Direct To Consumer (DTC) brand.
Here, we believe in radically transforming the way you take care of yourself. Holistically. That’s why we made it our mission to be the center of change in the paradigm shift.
Better product quality? Superior purchase experiences? We hear you. We’ve built intriguing brand stories around our offerings, created an abundance of information on our products - so you can have the power.
What power, you ask? The power to make better informed choices when you buy from digital-native brands like us. Not forgetting the cost-savings you get. We're consumers too, we know bang for our buck when we see one!
We radically
transform the way
we consume.

Removing all the fuss & fanfare.
This is the value we bring.

Nothing will ever be the same.
We want to create smarter consumption, through our brands, and we won’t stop till we get there.

Then came Stryv.
Salon-grade hair products
should be accessible to everyone.
We're talking better tech,
better innovation,
better products
that are fairly priced.
This is only possible with your trust & support.
Shoutout to these superstars

And of course, you.
You made this happen!

"Contains double the DHM found in regular hangover pills"

"Expect to wake up fresh as a daisy after a night of heavy drinking"

"I can't emphasise how amazing hangover pills are when it comes to managing hangovers"

"An anti-hangover pill with liver strengthening properties"